USNWC Festivals

The Production

The U.S. National Whitewater Center is home to North America's first permanent deep water free solo climbing complex. Arguably, the most engaging competition at Tuck Fest, USNWC's largest festival, is a deep water solo competition. This piece is intended to serve as both a recap of the event and as a promotional piece for Tuck Fest 2019. It was shot by myself and Tommy Penick with a FS700 and FS7.  I edited the piece together. 

Additional Festival Videos

The Production

The U. S. National Whitewater Center is hosting Flow Fest, a celebration of wellness and mindfulness. I was tasked with producing a promotional piece for that first-time event. I had to pull from previous, unrelated shoots for the visuals.  For the voice over, I did a few quick interviews. The artwork is by Kimberly Hall and I did the light animation.  This is an example of one of many small-scale projects that I have done for the Center. 

The Production

The U.S. National Whitewater Center hosts many festivals throughout the year. This piece is intended to serve as a general promotional film for the USNWC and the programming it offers. I pulled from a year’s worth of projects.